Sunday, May 31, 2015

A fast, fun week!


We love to read! 


Sharing Museum: 

First, we set our memory items on our desks and did a "museum walk" so we would all get a chance to investigate each other's sharing. This encourages great community building, questions, and conversation! 






 Sharing Circle:

Then we sit down around the perimeter of the carpet to explain where we were when we found our item, who was with us, and why it is special to us! The kids truly do a great job with this! 


Our Final Mystery Reader: Mrs. Warner

The students were very excited to see Mrs. Warner on Friday. She brought in some great books to share with the kids. She was very impressed by how much they have grown and wishes everyone a wonderful summer! 

Monday, May 25, 2015

Oceans, Sea Creatures, & More!

Ocean Sharing...





 Our classroom turtles and fish! 

Turtles: Tortuga & Tortilla
Fish: Sunshine (Gold), Bobby (White), Miss Kirk (Black)

Mystery Reader

 Miss Nadine (Mile's grandmother) came into read to us as our mystery reader last week! We especially loved the book titled, "This Book Just Ate My Dog!". We also thoroughly enjoyed, "Click, Clack, Moo!".

Rhyming with friends...


Building friendships in 1st Grade... 

Math Stations: 




Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day Tea, ExplorIt, School Assemblies, Talent Show... AND More!

Mother's Day Tea 2015






ExplorIt: Earth's Features in 1st Grade




Earth Day Posters: Encouraging Patwin Hawks not to be a "Litterbug"~ 


Mystery Reader: Aliens Love Underpants!

May Chant & Continent Pictorial Input



Character Assembly


Reading Club