Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Creative Writing, P.E., & Helen Keller!

This was another fantastic week!

Here is our Star of the Week showing off his poster: 

The kids have loved learning about Helen Keller!

Here is our tracking poster for our Marathon Runners!!! They are doing a great job so far! 

These kids continue to amaze me! I have always been an ice cream kiddo! I am impressed by how many claimed fruit was their "favorite dessert!" 

More collaborative colleague time with our creative stories! 

In P.E. this week we partnered up and tried out some curl-ups, ran laps, and stretched our bodies! 

Finally, this week's Mystery Reader was Mrs. DenDulk! She is our ESL Specialist and read some favorites: Olivia, and Make Way for Ducklings! 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Contour Lines, Library, Picture Day & More!

This week in P.E. we played Red Rover, Farm, and Blob Tag! 

Some friends playing tetherball at recess! 

We explored contour lines with our hands this week! Check out our artists' work:

We start every morning with a graph prompted by questions of "Would You Rather..." or preferences: 

We often compare categories: 

How many more friends like panthers than pandas?

How many fewer students enjoy Hullabaloo than Cadoodle? 


Here is an example of our Number Talk: (we sing, "All About That Number" to the tune of "All About That Bass" by Meghan Trainor)

Here are our fancy friends on Picture Day!  

Steph Spada surprised the kids as this week's Mystery Reader!
She even read a story she wrote about her youngest son, Pip!  

This week we had our 1st library visit! Library is a huge highlight to our week! 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Rainbow Day, Number Talk, & Writing Workshop!

We celebrated our first spirit day as a whole school Rainbow & participated in our first school assembly! We won the "Spirit Award" for having 98% participation in wearing ORANGE!!!

In celebration of our Rainbow Spirit Day, we constructed a monochromatic portrait rainbow! 

In Writer's Workshop we feed our souls by expressing our thoughts through words on the page, and sharing our ideas with "constructive colleagues"! We celebrate each other's ideas, areas of strength and offer constructive feedback to improve or add to the stories we are working on! 

Meet Henry! He will be coming to each of your homes during your child's Star of the Week! His twin visits the 2nd graders in Mrs. Davis' class! 

All About That Number is a celebration of a 

number during calendar time each morning! 

        Miss Tecia (Alana's sister) was our Mystery Reader this week! She brought in some fruit snacks along with some fabulous stories (Singing Sam, & Scooby Doo) to share with us! 

Finally, our art project this week was a directed drawing lesson highlighting perspective and lines! Everyone rocked it! 

Monday, September 7, 2015

Welcome to 2nd Grade!

Hello Everyone! I hope you and your families have had a wonderful summer! Here are some moments just within our first week of 2nd grade! Your children have done a wonderful job coming together as a community, and have picked up the routines very quickly! I am so impressed with their independence, and sense of respect and responsibility! Enjoy!

Our teacher is...

Patwinners are: