Friday, January 30, 2015

Owls, MLK Jr., Dreams, and Other Things!

Last week we took a look into our past and discussed the importance of treating each other with respect, dignity, and kindness. 
Our Pictorial Input on Dr. King!  

In honor of Dr. King we talked about ways we can continue to be the "change"! The class felt very passionate about standing up for their beliefs and individuality!

We have been working on building sentences with our "sentence patterning chart" to review our expertise on parts of speech! The kids really enjoy this, and have become quite the experts! 

In science, we have been learning about the layers of the forest and some of it's residents...

Owls are great predators! 

We had lots of fun learning about a wide variety of string instruments during our Bravo lesson!


On Wednesday we had an all-school assembly to learn about how we can help fight leukemia! Patwin Hawks have joined forces to conquer cancer!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Week 20: Ecologists, Habitats, Narratives, & Parts of Speech!

We have had an amazing week! I am beaming with pride in these little geniuses! We have been learning so many new "college words" and applying them to our content investigations... here are some examples: 

The students are very enthusiastic about Ecologists! They have been quick to identify the roles and responsibilities of an ecologists while taking on these roles as we take a deeper look into the forest!
We love singing about ecologists as much as we love learning what kinds of tools they use and more! 

In writing we are working with transitional words (first, next, then, last... etc.) while we write retelling narratives. I am so impressed with how far these little authors have come!

This is referred to as a "Narrative Input Chart"... I use this strategy to bring the stories alive to the children so they may enjoy the message and have a more personal connection to the characters and setting within a story. They absolutely enjoy this method of "storytelling"! We love reading books by Jan Brett!