Saturday, November 7, 2015

Charlotte's Web, Writing like Donald Crews, and Thankful Turkeys!

Here we are unscrambling some more sentences using context clues (capitalization, punctuation, and phrasing)! 

We have been spending some time this week investigating different styles of writing. One mentor author we have been modeling our writing after is Donald Crews, so we took a nature walk to try his technique of "free-wheeling sketches" as our source of inspiration. Our next step is to write about all that we saw, and experienced in that place. 



In Math, we have been exploring the relationship between doubles and near doubles to solve addition problems. These concepts set the foundation for adding multiple numbers, multiplication, and more complex number relationships.



Miles' grandmother, Nancy Cloud, came in and shared some lovely stories with us! We love having our Mystery Readers! 

This week, Shahaf was our Star of the Week! He did a fantastic job sharing about his family, likes & dislikes, adventures with Henry, and some great riddles and jokes! 

We have a class full of Thankful Turkeys!

We have been movin' and groovin' during our Freeze Dance Competitions! These kids sure have some awesome dance moves! 

Changing perspective and taking some time to visualize success as we prepare to demonstrate mastery over a wide variety of addition strategies!

Jordan Meade won a "Henry Award" for showing such excellent enthusiasm for our "Book Character Day"! So proud! Our class also won the Spirit Award for the 3rd month in a row! Woohooo! Undefeated! 

Grant, Ella, and Madeline Shull won the "Responsibility Award" for the month of October! They were beaming with pride! 

Katie Cougevan (Dylan's mom) came in with some great stories and PENNIES! She challenged the students to try to balance the pennies on their fingers, noses, and forehead! 

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