Saturday, February 28, 2015

Rosa Parks, President Lincoln, Teamwork & Dr. Seuss!

This week went by so quickly! I am more and more blown away by these little geniuses... they are busy mastering addition, subtraction, telling time, and investigating our heroes of yesterday!

We read a story about Rosa Parks and discussed her role in changing the world. The kids were so excited to find out that she worked with Martin Luther King Jr.

The students were quite taken with her courage, and perseverance.

We have talked about the roles that Abraham Lincoln has played in our nation's history as well.

In P.E. we have been building stamina, strengthening our muscles, and building our teamwork skills. The students are great sportsman/women cheering each other on as their partners crab walk, run, bunny hop, and bear crawl from one side to the other!

Some of the students put on a little skit for the rest of the class this week.

We have also been busy crafting our own silly, nonsensical stories inspired by Dr. Seuss in celebration of his birthday on March 2.

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