Sunday, April 19, 2015

Open House, Weather, Star Student & Transportation Survey!

These meteorologists have put together such amazing resources as they gathered information on a variety of different clouds, storms, and weather tools!

This last week we took a transportation survey to get a "snapshot" of what types of transportation families/students are using to get to and from school... Here are our observations. 

Every week we celebrate a student in the class. This week we celebrated Bethany K. One of the many ways we celebrate these "Stars" is by interviewing them, and creating a book reflecting what is special about the Star Student. 

We had a very successful Open House! 

The answer to the estimation jar was 145 bears! Congratulations Miles Ecklund for making the closest guess! 

Painting the clouds...

 Depicting the water cycle....

Our own illustration of Chiro using his "good sense" (read in Nightsong) 

Our chant in Celebration of April! 

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